Calling All Catholics

Friday, January 25, 2008

Extremely Un-Loving

A radical Baptist church from Kansas is planning on protesting at Heath Ledger's funeral. I heard a member on the radio talking about how Heath Ledger is serving his sentence in hell for Brokeback Mountain and the life that he lead.

Even if they are justified in their claims, that have no right to 'protest' anyone's funeral and to spread their mal-content in such a venue. What kind of disrespect to the dead is that? Who made them judge and condemner all of a sudden?

This kind of Christian hate, fire and brimstone, may have its place in moving sinners back to conversion, but I doubt this type of action and message is moving anyone to love Jesus and ask for conversion. I also know that Christ himself would not have gone around condemning everyone who was a sinner. He ate with tax collector's and publican's, he conversed with the Samaritan woman at the well, he dined with the Pharisees. He tried to win them with his love first, not beat them all over the head and tell them they were going to hell!

I think this is despicable and any member of that church should search their hearts before acting so rashly, for one day judgment will come to them.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Raising the Dead

Today's gospel reading (Luke 7:11-17) reveals Jesus' power over death as he raises the widows only son to life on his way to burial. Clearly, this must be from the beginning of Christ's ministry as he does this out in the open among many witness who were so astonished to fear that they thought Jesus was a great prophet.

What's interesting about this is that throughout the gospels, whenever Jesus performs a miracle, usually he does it quietly (other than the raising of Lazarus) and he always tells the person he heals to be silent on the matter. For whatever reason, Jesus chose this moment to reveal the power he posesses, out of emapthy for the widow, but for the belief of those around him.

It's a remarkable passage that comes on the heels of another miracle from yesterday's gospel. How can we even begin to comprehend the amount of times and the undocumented healings that must've occured. It's astounding to even imagine what it must've been like.

Praise God!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Easter Season

Now that Easter has come and gone (so quickly), and our lenten fasting is over, this time in the Church calendar is filled with rejoicing. It's no coincidence that this season coincides with spring. The regeneration of life. It's as if the earth itself is rejoicing in the Lord's accomplishments.

Our daily readings now turn from the Old Testament prophets to the New Testament Apostles performing the work that Christ left them to do. Peter healing a man who was lame. His boldness in the temple before his own people, chastising them for crucifying the living God. It's amazing to hear these stories. As the trees begin to blossom, so did the Church begin to grow amidst the suffering and trials of the seasons.

So the Church too is growing. More and more of the faithful who veered away are coming back. It's very encouraging. When we were being persecuted and the inevitable harm that came out of the sex abuse scandal, we couldn't see an end to the daily rhetoric in the newspapers that pointed fingers at the very foundation of our faith. For so long, we were downcast and hung our heads in disbelief at the horrible tales we heard.

But now we are reminded of the work of Christ's redemptive healing. How even through the worst of times He can break through the hardest of hearts and bring them back to himself. He calls all of his children to himself. The Lamb of God slain for us shepherd's His people through the ministry that was given to the Apostles and handed down through generations.

Give praise to the living God! Sing Alleluia!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Holy Week

It's hard to believe, but Holy Week is here already! Lent is almost over and Easter is upon us! It's almost time to rejoice and soon we will hear those familiar hymns that we haven't heard before Ash Wednesday.

The readings from the prophets pointing to the coming of the Messiah will be fulfilled in the Triduum this week. I'm amazed and disheartened to hear the stories from the new testament involving the Pharisees and the Saducees. Today's reading from John talks about how they were plotting to kill Lazarus because when Jesus raised him from the dead, they lost many of their brethren to his cause. It's most unsettling to know that even Caiphas himself, the high priest at the time, did not even hear Jesus' preaching or witness any of His miracles, but got all of his facts from witnesses.

When he asks Jesus if he is who he claims to be, the Messiah, the Son of God, and Jesus replies, 'I am,' the reaction is justified, it seems, but begs no further questioning. Although Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus were for Jesus' cause, when he spoke these words, they had no defense left in them. The 'blasphemy' was spoken. But what else could Jesus have done or said? It appears that nothing would move the Sanhedrin towards the realization that Jesus was in fact the savior. As it was prophesied, so it was.

O happy fault, that the fall of Adam brought about God sending his only son that we should be saved. Will we be able to recognize Christ in his second coming? Or will we be blind and inflexible towards him? God, open our hearts and minds to the divine witness of your son Jesus Christ. Grant us the grace to understand the true meaning of his supreme sacrifice.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Long Lines at Confession

I can't remember the last time I had to wait in line for confession. But this past weekend at St. Joseph's Shrine in Lowell, there was a good number of people waiting for confession. Perhaps with all of the Catholic events going on recently, including the Boston Catholic Men's Conference, Catholics are getting back to basics? What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Should Women Stay Home or Stay at Work?

I'm incensed at the recent turmoil called Mommy Wars, a piece that ran recently on ABC. A law professor and 'working mom' Linda Hirshman says it's a mistake for college educated women to give up their jobs and return to their homes.

It is precisely because women choose to advance themselves in professional careers that the family in this country has been damaged. So what if a mother realizes that THE MOST IMPORTANT thing for her to do is to MOTHER her children! That is the penultimate role of a woman. I know of some new mother's who shove their newborns in daycare because they are too busy at work! I know mom's who wonder why their kids are so misbehaved, yet they hardly see their children and when they do, they'd rather not.

On the other hand, I've heard countless stories of women who got degrees in various fields and immediately knew when they had their first child, that being with that child was more important than advancing the corporate ladder.

And why wouldn't a woman want her husband to support her? Take any day during the week and go to a mall. 99% of the shoppers are women with big fat diamond rings, makeup galor, and too many bags to carry. While their husbands toil away at work, they are spending all the money! What a life!

If all women, working or not, would just look to the life of Mary and see in her the service and sacrifices she made and the example that she is as a mother herself.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Internet Piracy and the Sixth Commandment

While watching Fr. Corapi the other night with my wife, he made an impression on me when talking about the sixth commandment, thou shalt not steal. Now I'm not a thief, I don't plan bank robberies or steal credit cards, that's no the case. But upon examination of conscience, I realized quickly that those songs I downloaded from the internet and some application programs, pretty much amount to stealing.

The thought vexed me so that the next day I didn't go to communion. I tried to rationalize the ideas in my head about the reasons why I did it: everyone else does it, the programs I'm downloading cost way too much money, the songs I've downloaded are ancient 80's hits, etc. A whole flood of excuses clouded my mind, but when I got down to the heart of it those actions were against the sixth commandment, no matter how much I could justify my claims.

If I had to make restitution for these downloads, I'm sure I'd end up broke. The next day, I went to confession and I wasn't sure if the priest I was confessing to would even know the ramifications for such actions, let alone the technology behind them. So I'm deleting all those songs and programs that I didn't pay for and will purchase the things I need in the future.

May God have mercy on me.