Calling All Catholics

Monday, April 10, 2006

Holy Week

It's hard to believe, but Holy Week is here already! Lent is almost over and Easter is upon us! It's almost time to rejoice and soon we will hear those familiar hymns that we haven't heard before Ash Wednesday.

The readings from the prophets pointing to the coming of the Messiah will be fulfilled in the Triduum this week. I'm amazed and disheartened to hear the stories from the new testament involving the Pharisees and the Saducees. Today's reading from John talks about how they were plotting to kill Lazarus because when Jesus raised him from the dead, they lost many of their brethren to his cause. It's most unsettling to know that even Caiphas himself, the high priest at the time, did not even hear Jesus' preaching or witness any of His miracles, but got all of his facts from witnesses.

When he asks Jesus if he is who he claims to be, the Messiah, the Son of God, and Jesus replies, 'I am,' the reaction is justified, it seems, but begs no further questioning. Although Joseph of Arimethea and Nicodemus were for Jesus' cause, when he spoke these words, they had no defense left in them. The 'blasphemy' was spoken. But what else could Jesus have done or said? It appears that nothing would move the Sanhedrin towards the realization that Jesus was in fact the savior. As it was prophesied, so it was.

O happy fault, that the fall of Adam brought about God sending his only son that we should be saved. Will we be able to recognize Christ in his second coming? Or will we be blind and inflexible towards him? God, open our hearts and minds to the divine witness of your son Jesus Christ. Grant us the grace to understand the true meaning of his supreme sacrifice.



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