Calling All Catholics

Friday, January 25, 2008

Extremely Un-Loving

A radical Baptist church from Kansas is planning on protesting at Heath Ledger's funeral. I heard a member on the radio talking about how Heath Ledger is serving his sentence in hell for Brokeback Mountain and the life that he lead.

Even if they are justified in their claims, that have no right to 'protest' anyone's funeral and to spread their mal-content in such a venue. What kind of disrespect to the dead is that? Who made them judge and condemner all of a sudden?

This kind of Christian hate, fire and brimstone, may have its place in moving sinners back to conversion, but I doubt this type of action and message is moving anyone to love Jesus and ask for conversion. I also know that Christ himself would not have gone around condemning everyone who was a sinner. He ate with tax collector's and publican's, he conversed with the Samaritan woman at the well, he dined with the Pharisees. He tried to win them with his love first, not beat them all over the head and tell them they were going to hell!

I think this is despicable and any member of that church should search their hearts before acting so rashly, for one day judgment will come to them.

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